1. Easy to Learn, Implement and Maintain.
The Blog editor comes with your standard HTML/WYSIWYG modes. If you can manage to write a document in MS Word, you can write a post or develop a page in WordPress.
to various categories, change post authors and upload files
2. CSS Style Sheet The templates come with al CSS file with all the classes and styles that update your fonts, colors and other items on all of your posts and pages.
3. Hundreds of Free and Pay for Themes Check out Brian Gardner’s Revolution Series Themes and Omni Themes for easy to install and flexible changes.
4. Support/Documentation There are support forums all over the internet Many questions have already been answered on the many forums including the WordPress forum
5. Built In Search Engine Optimization
· Meta Tag Plug-in: This allows for custom meta tags for all posts, pages and categories. Installation is quite easy, simply download a plug-in, copy to your plug-ins folder, activate it in your admin and voila, you have custom meta tags right in your editor.
·SEO Title Tag PlugIn
6. Continual Updates Constant updating by the wordpress community through upgrades and patches. This helps the webmaster to avoid attacks and bugs that can occur on any system.
7. Anti-Spam WordPress has a few anti-spam plugins such as Aksimet that help prevent spam comment on your blog.
8. Guest Columnists/Writers WordPress has functions that allow the webmaster to give higher level permissions to guest writers and columnists to access the blog and contribute content.
9. Easy to of Setup: One-click installs and the 5-minute installation — It’s dummy proof.: You don’t have experience with PHP or MySQL as most of the hosting companies we recommend have Cpanel with the one click install for WordPress ready for you on the panel. If you are more technically inclined, you can take the 5-10 min to install WordPress.
10. Customizability: Programmers can really optimize WordPress. It’s easy to update page sections (side bar, footer, header) and add widgets. For the newbie/non-technical, there are thousands of freelancers that will be happy to help you customize your site or your theme.
11. URL Re-writer: In the admin section you can configure the appearance of your blog’s URLs (permalinks).
12. Clean Code: Search Spiders prefer clean coded websites. Frontpage and other programs can create all kinds of code problems in the background. There are no embedded JavaScript or CSS, no extra line breaks and comments, only the necessary HTML and content.
13. User Management: Adding/Editing users is a just a one click process. WordPress also allows 5 or 6 different types of User accounts which gives administrators much flexibility. Some of the user roles include: Administrators, Editors, Contributors, Authors, and Subscribers.
14. Plugins WordPress Plugins are extensions to the basic functionality available in WordPress. You can extend the way WordPress works by using plugins
15. WordPress is FREE.